TKD BRAND Mindset Academy

Are you ready to conquer distractions and be the focused, productive woman you've always dreamed of?

AND not spend a fortune on coaching and courses???

Does this sound like you?

• You constantly jump from idea to idea but never actually finish the project

• You get overly focused on perfection which causes anxiety

• You blankly stare at your task list and feel frozen or stuck not knowing where to get started
• You worry about being judged or ridiculed and don't feel supported

• You feel more like imposter syndrome keeps you from getting your s@#t together

Because you're so distracted, you might be avoiding getting started on your dream business. Or maybe it's just a struggle to focus on everyday to-do lists and tasks. You possibly have a 9 to 5 and feel like you never have time to do anything for yourself.

Your jumping from project to project and you have ALL of these GREAT ideas but you never execute any of them completely because your imposter syndrome says they need to be perfect. (you're afraid of being judged...hello!!! that's a distraction!!!)

You find yourself doom scrolling on your phone avoiding working on whatever you should be doing without realizing it.

Don't forget the freeze or stuck feeling you have when you don't know where or how (or even why) to start and you physically can't move or get motivated.

Between kids, work, pets, grocery runs, appointments, never ending engagements and don't even talk about holidays and weekends - you're distracted up the whazoo and have no idea what do to about it.

You get me??

What if it could be different?

The mental chaos of distraction is easier to get rid of than you think, and I have the solution for you.

Just imagine how you'll feel when:

  • The processes you’ve discovered allow you to master prioritizing your tasks enabling you to get stuff done in your business and personal life

  • You no longer feel stuck because you're able to actually get started knowing where AND how to

  • Anxiety, imposter syndrome and fear around making the wrong decisions is no longer stopping you

  • You wake up and realize the overwhelm has became underwhelm and you’re able to truly feel productive AND you're seeing progress in yourself

  • You've found the support, motivation and confidence you were missing and actually feel successful

Which is why I’m soooo thrilled to introduce:

The B.R.A.N.D. Mindset Academy

The membership inside my B.R.A.N.D. Mindset Academy Portal (or as I like to call it, BMA,) was created for easily distracted women entrepreneurs who want to get organized, master productivity, and start making money in their business.

But as it turns out, more than entrepreneurs were signing up!

Everyday women who just want to get s@#t done are loving BMA!

Inside BMA you'll master:

👉 B - Becoming Consistent

👉 R - Rewarding Results

👉 A - Authentically Being You

👉 N - Nurture Your Personal Growth

👉 D - Decluttering Your Mind & Space

One of the most important transformations you'll feel is your imposter syndrome level being knocked down from a debilitating TEN to a level of confidence that lets you finally get stuff done!!

We - that's right, I'm there WITH you - do this together in simple, time boxed routines.

Hi, I'm Tina K. Davis and I'm about to become your new BFF. 

What're you waiting for? We have dreams to make happen!

I offer TWO different options to ensure you get ONLY what you need...

OPTION ONE - BMA Monthly Membership

Small Call to Action Headline

Here’s what you’ll get when you enroll:


The Academy

  • Step-by-step organizational and growth strategies, techniques and approaches for streamlining your task list and prioritization process. (Say goodbye to chaos)

  • 4+ Live calls with ME every month, including co-working, mindset and Q&A (including the replays!)

  • Simple step by step paths to maximize your time with proper task prioritization and brain dumping exercises

  • And so much more...

Value: Over a $97 Monthly Value (one coaching call hour one to one with me is $97 alone and you'll have me at least 4 to 6 hours a month!!)


The Library

  • Ebooks and lessons that help you find the right processes for you

  • Workbooks, organizational worksheets and printables

  • Digital planners to ensure strategies are set up for success

  • Easy to follow challenges and habit trackers

  • With more resources added monthly!

Value: $27 Monthly Value (based on the minimum value of new resources added each month sold individually)


Members Only Group

You’ll be invited to our members-only Brand Mindset Academy Facebook group and BMA Community within the portal where you have access to:

  • Feedback for entrepreneurs on your offers, worksheets, sales copy and strategy

  • Exclusive opportunities for distraction-friendly tips

  • Other like minded women to network with and find an accountability partner aka "friend-tor"

  • Motivation, mindset and engagement posts & videos

  • And again, so much more.

Value: $17 Monthly Value (based on similar memberships offering less support in a private portal community)

A TOTAL value of over $141 a month...

Enroll in

The Brand Mindset Academy

now for only $7 a month!

That's less than a large iced coffee with the works!

And the price NEVER goes up!

Don't have time for calls but want to get it done? This one's for you!

OPTION TWO - BRAND Mindset Academy

BRAND Mindset Academy & BMA Facebook Group

Here’s what you’ll get when you sign up:


The Academy

  • Step-by-step organizational and growth strategies, techniques and approaches for streamlining your task list and prioritization process. (Say goodbye to chaos)

  • Simple step by step paths to maximize your time with proper task prioritization and brain dumping exercises

  • And so much more...

Value: Over a $97 Monthly Value (one coaching call hour one to one with me is $97 alone and you'll have me at least 4 to 6 hours a month!!)


The Library

  • Ebooks and lessons that help you find the right processes for you

  • Workbooks, organizational worksheets and printables

  • Digital planners to ensure strategies are set up for success

  • Easy to follow challenges and habit trackers

  • With more resources added monthly!

Value: $27 Monthly Value (based on the minimum value of new resources added each month sold individually)


Members Only Group

You’ll be invited to our members-only Brand Mindset Academy Facebook group where you have access to:

  • Feedback for entrepreneurs on your offers, worksheets, sales copy and strategy

  • Exclusive opportunities for distraction-friendly tips

  • Other like minded women to network with and find an accountability partner aka "friend-tor"

  • Motivation, mindset and engagement posts & videos

  • And again, so much more.

Value: $17 Monthly Value (based on similar memberships offering less support in a private portal community)

I've never offered this option before, but here goes...


The Brand Mindset Academy

Now for only $27 one time!

You pay ONCE and have access as long as BMA exists!

Including access to anything added.

Tina is the best biz coach I've ever hired and I wish I found her sooner! She has helped me find immense clarity in my brand and empowered me to be a better decision maker in my business.

Everyone needs a Tina!


Independent Hair Stylist & Salon Professional

Tina is my go-to girl for IG. When I found out how fast her account exploded with growth and how much moolah it was making her, I knew I had to listen. There’s no other way to explain her outside of “magical”. The secrets she knows on how to create content quickly, how and when to share, how to make the algorithm work for you – well, that’s just the tip of the iceberg of her genius. If you’ve been struggling to make IG work for you, do yourself (and your purse) a favor by listening to her and doing exactly what she says!


Intuitive Copywriter & Bestselling Author

Still on the fence about it?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I know you're going to absolutely fall in love with what you'll discover when you join The B.R.A.N.D. Mindset Academy Membership. In fact, I know you'll love it so much, there is no sign up fee and NO contract (you can literally cancel at any time.)


What type of women is this membership targeted for?

The BRAND Mindset Academy is designed for ALL types of women. Distractions and imposter syndrome don't discriminate. This leaves women in the workforce, SAHMs, retirees, entrepreneurs - all of us - struggling with being productive and feeling overwhelmed. Not anymore...not with BMA.

As a member, what if I can't make the calls? Are there other materials provided?

Absolutely! The membership option will include printable worksheets, trackers and many other documents needed to complete project courses and steps in your business.

Coaching, challenge, motivational and other group calls will be recorded and available as replays.

*the exception is co-working sessions...those would just be videos of people working with no sound.

Are there materials added throughout the months/year?

Absolutely! The academy library is updated with new printable worksheets, trackers and other resources each month. New challenges are added quarterly at minimum! Whether you're a member or purchased one time, you'll get access to any/all updates.

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Is there any support available outside of live calls?

Membership: There is a private BMA Community within the portal designed for announcements, questions, support or peer reviews!
Think of it as an exclusive concierge of service for members.

One Time Purchase: In addition to email support, there is a private BMA Facebook group designed for announcements, questions, support or peer reviews!

 What is the length of each project, lesson or session?

I try to keep all of the lessons VERY short, a couple minutes long. Projects and challenges will have recordings closer to an hour.

Do I really only pay once or are there other fees?

If you take advantage of the one time purchase, there really is only a one time payment and no additional fees to have access.

If you want to participate in calls or other benefits that the membership offer, only the monthly member ship fee is charged. No upfront costs.

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Can I participate at my own pace?

Yep! You can do each lesson as quickly or slowly as you like.

As long as you are a member you can repeat any project course or re-watch any of the content over and over and over…

How long is the BMA Membership term and is there an option to renew?

Monthly: Renewal is monthly and there is NO contract! You can cancel at any time.

Just send me an email at and be sure to include the name and email you signed up with.

No worries or judgement. It's that simple.

You’re standing at the crossroads.

To the left, is the rocky, uphill road you’ve been traveling. 

To the right is the road less people will choose. 

This road isn’t harder, it’s just different. 

And choosing the right road makes all the difference in the world to finally becoming the productive woman you KNOW you can be.

Whether you choose the one time offer or the monthly membership plan you'll be on the road that’ll get you where you want to be faster, easier and with a team of women behind you.

Join me inside the The B.R.A.N.D. Mindset Academy membership today.

Xo, Tina

© Copyright 2023 TKD Brand Mindset